What You Need to Know Before You Launch


What Small Business Owners Need to Know Before They Launch a Product or Service

If you're reading this, you're either gearing up for your first business launch or preparing to elevate your existing venture. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey. I'm here as your business bestie (I know it’s corny, but it’s absolutely true!), your virtual mentor, to share the wisdom I've gained from navigating the wild world of entrepreneurship. Let's dive in and turn your creative passion into a thriving empire.

Because I believe in cutting the fluff and getting straight to the point, here’s what you need to know about launching:

1. Clarify Your Small Business Vision

Before you dive into the nitty-gritty, let's talk vision. What sets your creative soul on fire? Define your mission with clarity that could part the clouds. Whether you're a graphic designer, copywriter, artist, or product creator, your business needs a purpose. Are you solving a problem, inspiring joy, or challenging norms? For example, Frida's Florals doesn't just sell bouquets; it spreads happiness, one petal at a time.

2. Know Your Target Audience

Your business isn't just about transactions; it's about connections. Identify your tribe — the people who resonate with your brand on a deeper level. Tailor your message to appeal directly to them. For instance, if you're a freelance copywriter specializing in empowering content, your tribe might be ambitious, go-getter women who crave words that ignite their passion and purpose.

Knowing your target audience is crucial for the success of your business. It's not enough to have a great product or service; you need to know exactly who it's for and how it will benefit them. Understanding your audience allows you to tailor your messaging, branding, and marketing efforts to resonate with them on a deep level.

To truly connect with your target audience, you need to go beyond demographics and surface-level characteristics. Dive into their desires, pain points, and aspirations. What motivates them? What challenges do they face? What are their goals and dreams?

By answering these questions, you can create a compelling offer that speaks directly to their needs because it’s something they ACTUALLY need.

Show them that you understand their struggles. That you hear them.

Demonstrate how your product or service is the solution they've been searching for. Use language that resonates with them, addressing their fears, desires, and aspirations. Make it clear that your offer is specifically designed for them and can help them achieve their goals.

Remember, your people want to feel seen, heard, and understood. They want to connect with a brand that truly gets them.

So don’t rush this process! Take the time to research and understand your target audience deeply. This will not only help you create a successful launch but also build long-lasting relationships with your customers based on trust and shared values.

Now that you know who your offer is for, it's time to craft a powerful message and create a marketing strategy that will captivate and engage your audience.

3. Branding Basics

Picture this: Your brand is a symphony, and your visuals are the notes that compose it. Colors, fonts, and logos should harmonize to create a visual masterpiece. Take Gloss & Glaze, a small bakery. Their warm, pastel palette and playful logo create an image that's not just about pastries but an entire experience.

Aesthetics matter! If you invest in anything for your business, let it be this. If you’re looking for help with this, check out my brand design services here.

4. Market Research

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. No matter what you’re launching, there’s a good chance that somebody has already made a similar wheel somewhere else, or at least something similar enough that you can learn from it.

Take a moment to research your competitors like an undercover agent, delving into their strategies to uncover what works and what doesn't. By studying their victories and stumbles, you can gain valuable insights that will inform your own launch. What is their audience responding to? Are there things they’re doing that you might be able to apply to your own marketing initiatives? This doesn’t mean that what’s working for one person will work for you, but it does mean that sometimes you can learn a lot just from taking a look around.

Explore their pricing strategies, customer service approaches, and selling points. How do they build hype around what they’re doing? What sort of timeline do they use to launch things on?

Additionally, take a look at your competitors' pricing strategies can help you determine an appropriate pricing structure for your own products or services. By understanding how they position themselves in the market, you can ensure that your pricing aligns with the value you provide and reflects the quality and uniqueness of your craft. Most of us go through a lot of underpricing ourselves. Compeititor research is one way you can be sure that you’re getting fairly compensated for your work or at least show you that you might need to raise your prices.

Want to learn more about raising your prices? I have a whole video about that here:

Remember, this research isn't about copying or imitating your competitors, but rather about learning from their experiences and applying those lessons to your own launch.

So, put on your detective hat and start creeping on your competitors.

5. Your Online Presence Matters

In the digital era, your online presence is your storefront, and it better be chic. Invest time in a killer website, professional social media profiles, and an email marketing strategy. Consider Rebecca Illustrated, a stationery designer. Her Instagram is a visual feast, and her website is a seamless extension of their brand, making the customer journey feel like a stroll through an art gallery.

6. Pricing: Don't Undervalue Your Magic

Repeat after me: I am not a bargain bin; I am a treasure trove.

Determine your pricing strategy with confidence. Understand the value you bring and price accordingly. For instance, if you're a graphic designer, don't price your bespoke logo designs as if they were clip art. Elevate your rates to match the quality and uniqueness of your craft.

When it comes to pricing your products or services, it's crucial to have confidence in your value and charge accordingly. As a graphic designer, for exmaple, you possess a unique set of skills and expertise that sets you apart from generic clip art designs. Your bespoke logo designs are the result of your creativity, talent, and meticulous attention to detail. Far more valuable than any AI generated artwork a robot can spit out.

When determining your pricing strategy, consider the time, effort, and expertise that goes into creating each design. Think about the value that your logo designs bring to your clients' businesses. A well-crafted logo has the power to elevate a brand, attract customers, and leave a lasting impression. It's not just a piece of artwork; it's an essential element of a company's identity and it lasts for years.

While it may be tempting to underprice your services to attract more clients, remember that quality and uniqueness command a higher price. By charging what you're worth, you not only ensure that you're fairly compensated for your time and talent, but you also position yourself as a professional who takes pride in delivering exceptional results.

Communicate the value of your bespoke logo designs (or whatever your offer is) to potential clients. Highlight the thought process, research, and creativity that goes into each project. Emphasize the benefits that your clients will experience by investing in a well-designed logo, such as increased brand recognition, credibility, and the ability to stand out in a crowded market.

Remember, pricing is not just about making a profit; it's about valuing your own work and expertise. By setting your rates appropriately, you not only establish yourself as a professional in your field but also contribute to the overall perception and value of the graphic design industry.

So, don't be afraid to elevate your rates and charge what you're worth. Your clients and customers will recognize and appreciate the value that you bring to their businesses, and you'll be able to sustain and grow your own creative enterprise with confidence.

7. Pre-Launch Buzz: Make Some Noise Before the Big Reveal

You've set the stage, now let's create a symphony of excitement. Tease your audience with sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes, and countdowns. Remember it doesn’t have to be done, perfect, or ready for you to start talking about it! Engage them in the creative process. For instance, if you're launching a new line of handmade candles, share snippets of the pouring process, introduce fragrance polls, and let them feel like co-creators in your candle-making adventure.

Building anticipation and excitement for your business launch is essential. Engaging your audience in the creative process can be a powerful way to do this. For example, if you're about to launch a new line of handmade candles, you can go beyond simply showcasing the final product. Share glimpses of the pouring process, giving your audience a behind-the-scenes look at how the candles are made. You can even introduce fragrance polls, where you ask your audience to vote on their favorite scents or suggest new ones. This not only creates a sense of anticipation but also makes your audience feel like co-creators in your candle-making adventure.

Encourage your audience to share their thoughts and opinions throughout the process. Engage with their comments and feedback, making them feel valued and involved in shaping your products. This level of interaction not only helps build excitement but also strengthens the connection between your brand and your audience.

Remember, the goal is to create a community of supporters who are eager to see your business succeed. By involving them in the creative process and making them feel like insiders, you're fostering a sense of loyalty and engagement that will carry over into the launch and beyond.

So, don't be afraid to share sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes moments, and involve your audience in decision-making. Let them be a part of the journey, and they will be even more invested in the success of your launch.

8. Put on your legal armor

Every empire needs a fortress, and yours is no different. Protect your business with the right legalities. Trademarks, copyrights, and contracts are your knights in shining armor. If a photography business neglected copyright protection, the stunning images they capture could be exploited without their consent. This is a reality that unfortunately happens every day. Shield your creations, it matters too much to not!

Sam Vander Wielen is a fantastic resource for business owners looking to legally protect their businesses.

9. The Soft Launch: Your Dress Rehearsal

Before the red curtain rises, test the waters with a soft launch. This is your dress rehearsal, where you iron out any wrinkles and gather feedback from your inner circle. If you're a budding artist launching an online art store, let close friends and family be your art critics. Their insights will be the invaluable brushstrokes refining your masterpiece.

A soft launch is an opportunity to get valuable feedback and make necessary improvements before your official launch. It allows you to test the waters and identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. During a soft launch, you can involve your close friends and family as your trusted art critics. Their insights and feedback will serve as invaluable brushstrokes that refine your masterpiece.

Consider hosting a private preview event where you offer your products or services to a select group of individuals. This can be done in person or virtually, depending on the nature of your business. Encourage your inner circle to provide honest feedback on various aspects, such as the user experience, product quality, pricing, or any other relevant factors.

Take this opportunity to gather feedback through surveys or follow-up conversations. Ask specific questions about their experience, what they liked, what could be improved, and any suggestions they may have. This feedback will help you identify any areas that need refinement or adjustment before your official launch.

Remember, the goal of a soft launch is not to achieve perfection but to gather insights and make necessary adjustments. Embrace the feedback, learn from it, and use it to enhance your offering. By involving your inner circle in this process, you are building a community of supporters who are personally invested in your success.

Once you have gathered feedback and made the necessary improvements, you can move forward with confidence to your official launch. The insights gained from your soft launch will help you ensure that your product or service is well-received by your target audience and that you are delivering a high-quality experience.

So, don't underestimate the power of a soft launch. Embrace the opportunity to refine your masterpiece and create a memorable experience for your customers. By involving your inner circle and valuing their feedback, you are setting the stage for a successful and impactful launch.

Let’s take it a step further! Here’s your checklist for your next launch!

Social Media Strategy

  • Craft engaging pre-launch content to build anticipation.

  • Schedule regular teasers and behind-the-scenes posts.

  • Plan a captivating launch announcement post.

  • Utilize relevant hashtags to increase visibility.

  • Engage with your audience through comments and messages.

Email Marketing

  • Focus on list building and segment your audience.

  • Design and schedule a pre-launch email sequence.

  • Create an impactful launch day email.

  • Set up automated follow-up emails for post-launch engagement.

  • Ensure you have emails scheduled to go out to your list when the cart is getting ready to close. Emphasize the urgency when time is running out!

  • Ensure email sign-up forms are prominently displayed on your website.

Website Preparation

  • Optimize your website for mobile responsiveness.

  • Double-check that all product or service descriptions are clear and compelling, bonus points for using SEO-friendly keywords!

  • Implement a user-friendly checkout process.

  • Test website functionality, including links and forms.

Collateral Creation

  • Develop visually appealing graphics for social media and website, stay consistent with the look and feel of these graphics.

  • Write persuasive product or service descriptions that make it about the customer, not yourself. Simply put, they want to know what’s in it for them!

  • Create eye-catching banners or headers for your website.

  • Prepare high-quality images of your products or services. Do a brand shoot if you haven’t!

Community Engagement

  • Share your launch journey and seek feedback.

  • Collaborate with other small businesses for cross-promotion.

  • Respond promptly to inquiries and comments from your community.

Launch Day Monitoring

  • Monitor social media for engagement and feedback.

  • Track website analytics for traffic and conversions. Keep a record of this to help you determine later what’s working for you and what isn’t!

  • Respond promptly to any customer inquiries or issues. Be available to answer questions about your product or service on social media. Encourage people to ask questions! This gives you a direct opportunity to speak to any hesitations people migh thave.

  • Consider hosting a live Q&A session or launch party on social media.

Post-Launch Follow-Up

  • Send thank-you emails to early customers or subscribers.

  • Gather and analyze customer feedback for future improvements.

  • Plan post-launch promotions or special offers.

  • Continue regular social media and email marketing to maintain momentum.

Launching a business is an exciting adventure, and this checklist is designed to help you navigate the marketing landscape. Remember, each checkmark brings you one step closer to the grand opening of your creative empire. Best of luck on your launch day! 🚀


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