The One Thing Your Small Business Can’t Live Without

This is an image of small business branding

Hiring a bookkeeper taught me something about the impact of brand design. Yup. You read that right.

I recently hired a bookkeeper, and as I dove into the process of finding the right one, a funny thing happened. There were many things that impacted my decision, but guess what ended up being the first thing I considered without even realizing it? Their brand design, aesthetics and online presence. Before I ever looked at any of their services, combed through their website or filled out an inquiry form, I was judging the booked based on its cover.

I was clicking on the website and social media accounts that were most visually appealing.

It wasn’t even something I was doing consciously or on purpose, it’s just human nature. We're drawn towards things that are visually pleasing, aren't we?

How many times have your bought a product just for the packaging? See where where I’m going with this?

While I was in search of bookkeeping services, I found myself drawn to companies that boasted a visually appealing online presence. This had nothing to do with the length of time they'd been in business, their location or even the contents of their offerings. It was their stunning branding and beautifully designed websites that piqued my interest and kept me scrolling.

Another thing worth noting. Instead of turning to Google, I used Instagram as my search engine - a trend that's increasingly common among today's generation.

One thing we all have to come to terms with, no matter what industry we work in, is that as business owners, we have mere seconds to make an impression.

On average, users spend around 15 seconds on a web page and a similar amount of time on a social media profile.

A well-crafted visual identity that gets right to the heart of your ideal customer can have a profound impact on these statistics and your bank account. Brands with professional, consistent and tailored brand design outperform those without in terms of conversion rates, booking clients, and ultimately money that’s going into the bank account.

Still not convinced? Then you might be thinking…

I already make sales in my business. Why do I need to upgrade my Etsy bought logo or Canva template?

Even if you're already making sales, upgrading from an Etsy bought logo or Canva template can be pivotal for the growth and longevity of your business.

Etsy logo templates and quick Canva graphics aren’t the affordable solution you think they are. They’re a bandaid to a larger problem, and you don’t want to wait until your business is bleeding out to get it properly stitched up.

Hear me out—I have nothing against Canva! In fact, I find it a wonderful tool for my small business clients. But, we're not merely creating a logo in Canva. Rather, we're orchestrating a strategic and stunning brand design. We're taking logo variations, custom color palettes, and typography (the essential tools of your brand kit), and weaving them together to create templates on Canva. These can take the form of social media posts, Facebook banners, story templates, and so on. I don’t expect my clients to be experts on Adobe Illustrator, hence Canva is a means for me to hand over the reins of their brand design and empower them to utilize it in a manner that's accessible to them.

If you intend to use Canva, my suggestion is to start with a solid brand foundation FIRST. Otherwise, you run the risk of creating graphics with a mishmash of fonts and colors, which change continually. As a result, your target audience may struggle to recognize your brand and voice because they’re constantly getting a different version of you. And that's something we definitely want to avoid!

What if I bought a premade logo and brand design for my small business branding?

Premade logos are exactly that. Premade. Premade logos are not a brand. They're not tailored specifically to you and what makes your brand special. A unique, custom-designed logo can better capture the essence of your brand, creating a more powerful and memorable impression on your customers. Furthermore, using generic templates can be detrimental to your brand in the long run. They may not accurately communicate your brand's values and personality, which can lead to a disconnect with your audience. Therefore, investing in a custom, strategic brand design can significantly enhance your brand's recognition, credibility, and overall impact.

What if I want to DIY my branding?

Small business owners are no strangers to getting their hands dirty and DIYing even when it comes to their brand design. It's totally understandable - you're passionate about your business and you believe you know what's best for it. And sometimes, you might be pleasantly surprised with what you create!

However, it's important to remember that brand design isn't just about what looks good to you. It's about effectively communicating your brand's identity, values, and promise to your target audience.

Now, this is where the magic of professional expertise comes in. Just like you're an expert in your field, brand designers are experts in theirs. They have trained eyes and years of experience that allow them to create strategic, coherent, and downright stunning brand designs.

If you're serious about growing your business (and I know you are!), then investing in professional brand design will be the game-changer you’ve been waiting for. It can help you accelerate your growth and ensure that every visual element of your brand is working together to achieve your business goals. So, why not consider it? After all, sometimes all it takes is a little leap of faith to reach new heights!

Here are a few other reasons why brand design is such an important component of your business strategy:

1. You want to make a lasting first impression, right? Of course you do! Brand design and strategy is how you’ll do it.

Your logo is often the first point of contact between your brand and potential customers. It acts like a business card, providing a quick snapshot of your company's personality and ethos. A well-designed logo can instantly communicate your brand's values and create a lasting impression. Remember my example above about looking for a bookkeeper?

2. The Smart Investment: Brand Design's Impact on Profits

Investing in high-quality brand design services can significantly boost your business's profits and your confidence as an entrepreneur. Your brand is the visual representation of your company's identity, and a well-designed brand can attract more customers and increase your conversion rates, bookings and sales.

3. Tailored to Your Needs: Brand design for small business - it matters!

No matter the size of your business, having a well-crafted brand design is vital. It helps you stand out from the crowd, resonate with your target audience, and, crucially, it tells your unique story in a way that's memorable and engaging.

Regardless of your business's size, a meticulously crafted brand design is essential. It serves as the visual representation of your business, distinguishing you from competitors in a crowded marketplace. A confident entrepreneur didn’t come to blend in. And because I know you’re a confident entrepreneur, I already know that you WANT to stand out! And although you believe in what you’re doing, you feel a little unsure of yourself sometimes. A brand designer can fix that 🙂

Effective brand design resonates with your target audience, appealing to their tastes, needs, and preferences. It does more than just catch the eye; it communicates your business values, mission, and your offerings.

Through color choices, typography, imagery, and more, your brand design can evoke emotions and associations that further deepen the relationship between your business and its audience.

In a world where consumers are often overwhelmed by choice, a compelling brand design can be the deciding factor that sways a potential customer in your favor. So, investing in a well-crafted brand design is not merely an aesthetic choice, but a strategic business decision with the potential to significantly impact your company's growth and success.

4. Emotion and Perception: Brand Design Creates Connections

Brand design is not just about creating a visually pleasing logo or website. It's about creating an emotional connection with your audience. Colors, fonts, and images all evoke certain feelings and perceptions. A well-designed brand can make your audience feel understood and connected to your company. This emotional connection can foster loyalty and turn customers into brand ambassadors.

5. Competitive Edge: Stand Out Against Competitors with Unique Brand Design

Feeling like just a number in a sea of instagram accounts? Having a compelling brand design can give your business the edge it needs to stand out. Your brand design sets the tone for your company and distinguishes you from competitors. A well-designed brand tells your audience why you're different and why they should choose you over others. It helps you carve out a unique space in the market, making it easier for customers to remember and choose your business.

Brand design is like the secret ingredient in a recipe, making everything come together and taste just right. More than just making things look pretty, it's about creating a bond with your audience, helping your business to bloom, and making you pop in a crowd.

View my brand design services here or you can read up on how to find just the right graphic designer for you by clicking here.

Finding the right graphic designer for your small business can take your brand to the next level without you lifting a finger. A good designer will deliver a quality product, but a great designer will provide a standout brand with a smooth onboarding experience and a well thought out design process. I pride myself on constantly working to improve my craft, my process, AND the client experience.

If you're ready to elevate your brand with a custom design experience that truly represents your business and resonates with your audience, let's chat. As a designer with a passion for helping small businesses shine, I'd love to work with you to create a brand that you're proud of.

Check out my range of brand design services and book a free consultation call today. Let's work together to create a brand that will help you achieve your business goals.

Wondering if it’s time for a brand refresh but aren’t 100% sure? Maybe you’ve been feeling a disconnect from your current logo, your branding color palette, or are ready to change up your business branding entirely. Take the quiz below to get a better feel for what may be next for you and your business!


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